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学术 academic
- 教授、博士、副院长、 博士生导师
- 所在单位:浙江工商大学信息与电子工程(人工智能)学院
- 学历:博士研究生
- 毕业院校:浙江大学
- 浙江省中青年学科带头人
- 入选浙江省“新世纪151人才工程”
- 西湖学者
- 浙江工商大学优秀教师
- 国家级教学成果奖二等奖
- 浙江省教学成果奖二等奖
- 2003.03-至今, 浙江工商大学 – 讲师、副教授、教授
- 2013.01-2013.07, ,
- social networks
- p2p & p2p streaming media
- wireless sensor networks
- cloud computing
- network security
huang changqin, huang guosheng, liu wei, wang ruoyu, xie mande, a parallel joint optimized relay selection protocol for wake-up radio enabled wsns, physical communication, 2021. 08, issn1874-4907. (sci索引, 唯一通信作者, if=1.81, esi高被引论文)
haibo hong, jun shao, licheng wang, mande xie, guiyi wei, yixian yang, song han, jianhong lin. a cca secure public key encryption scheme based on finite groups of lie type, science china information sciences, january 2022, vol. 65 119102:1–119102:3.
tian wang, yan liu, xi zheng, hong-ning dai, weijia jia, and mande xie*, edge-based communication optimization for distributed federated learning, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, issn:2327-4697, doi 10.1109/tnse.2021.3083263. (sci索引, 中科院二区, 唯一通信作者)
mande xie, yingying ruan, haibo hong, jun shao. a cp-abe scheme based on multi-authority in hybrid clouds for mobile devices, future generation computer systems, 2021.08, 121 (2021), pp:114–122. (sci,if:3.997,ccf c类,二区期刊)
wang tian, cao zhihan, wang shuo, wang jianhuang, qi lianyong, liu, anfeng , mande xie, li xiaolong. privacy-enhanced data collection based on deep learning for internet of vehicles, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, 16(10), pp: 6663-6672, oct. 2020. (sci索引, if: 7.38, sci一区,top期刊, esi高被引论文)
tian wang, pan wang, shaobin cai, ying ma, anfeng liu, mande xie*, a unified trustworthy environment based on edge computing in industrial iot, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, 10.1109/tii.2019.2955152, 2020.09,16(9):6083-6091. (sci索引, if: 7.38, sci一区,top期刊,唯一通信作者, esi高被引论文).
tian wang, guangxue zhang, md zakirul alam bhuiyan, anfeng liu, weijia jia, mande xie, a novel trust mechanism based on fog computing in sensor-cloud system, future generation computer systems, 2020.8. (sci,if:3.997,二区期刊, 唯一通信作者,esi高被引论文).
tian wang, hao luo, weijia jia, anfeng liu, mande xie, mtes: an intelligent trust evaluation scheme in sensor-cloud enabled industrial internet of things. ieee transactions on industrial informatics, doi: 10.1109/tii.2019.2930286, 2020.3.(sci, if: 7.38, sci一区,top期刊,esi高被引论文).
tian wang, yaxin mei, weijia jia, xi zheng, guojun wang, mande xie*, edge-based differential privacy computing for sensor–cloud systems, journal of parallel and distributed computing, 136 (2020), 2020.2,pp:75–85.issn: 0743-7315. (sci索引, if: 1.82, ccf b类,唯一通信作者,esi高被引论文)
tian wang, hao luo, weijia jia, anfeng liu, mande xie, mtes: an intelligent trust evaluation scheme in sensor-cloud enabled industrial internet of things. ieee transactions on industrial informatics, doi: 10.1109/tii.2019.2930286, 2019. (sci, if: 7.38, sci一区,top期刊).
tian wang, hao luo, xi zheng, and mandexie*, crowdsourcing mechanism for trust evaluation in cpcs based on intelligent mobile edge computing. acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology, doi.org/10.1145/3324926, 10(6), october 2019, pp:1-19. (sci索引, if: 2.86, ccf b类,唯一通信作者)
qiaoyan li, anfeng liu, tian wang, mande xie*, neal n xiong, pipeline slot based fast rerouting scheme for delay optimization in duty cycle based m2m communications, peer-to-peer networking and applications, 12(6), pp:1673-1704, doi: 10.1007/s12083-019-00753-z, nov 2019.(sci索引,esi高被引论文,唯一通信作者)
lang hu, anfeng liu, mandexie*, tian wang, uavs joint vehicles as data mules for fast codes dissemination for edge networking in smart city, peer-to-peer networking and applications, 12(6), pp:1550-1574, doi: 10.1007/s12083-019-00752-0, nov 2019. (sci索引, if:2.4, ccf c类,esi高被引论文, 唯一通信作者)
tian wang, yucheng lu, zhihan cao, lei shu, xi zheng, anfeng liu,; mande xie*, when sensor-cloud meets mobile edge computing, sensors, 19(23), pp:1-17, 2019 dec. ( sci索引, if: 3.031, sci三区,唯一通信作者)
haibo hong, licheng wang, jun shao, jianhua yan, haseeb ahmad, guiyi wei, mande xie, yixian yang, a miniature cca public key encryption scheme based on non-abelian factorization problem in finite groups of lie type, the computer journal.,62(12), pp:, 2019.12. (sci索引, if: 0.98, ccf 类)
jiawei tan, wei liu, mande xie*, houbing song, anfeng liu, ming zhao and guoping zhang. a low redundancy data collection scheme to maximize lifetime using matrix completion technique. eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking, (2019) 2019:5, pp:1-19.(sci索引,if:2.4,esi高被引论文,唯一通信作者)
tian wang, yuzhu liang, weijia jia, muhammad arif, anfeng liu, mande xie. coupling resource management based on fog computing in smart city systems. journal of network and computer applications, 135 (2019), pp:11-19, 2019.03. (sci索引,if:5.27, 中科院二区,唯一通信作者)
xujing li, wei liu, mande xie, anfeng liu, ming zhao, neal n. xiong, miao zhao and wan dai. differentiated data aggregation routing scheme for energy conserving and delay sensitive wireless sensor networks. sensors, 18(7), pp:1-29, 2018.7. (sci索引,if: 2.677, 小类二区期刊,唯一通信作者).
tian wang, guangxue zhang, md zakirul alam bhuiyan, anfeng liu, weijia jia, mande xie, a novel trust mechanism based on fog computing in sensor–cloud system, future generation computer systems, 2018.6. (sci,if:3.997,二区期刊,唯一通信作者).
xujing li, anfeng liu, mande xie, neal n. xiong, zhiwen zeng and zhiping cai, adaptive aggregation routing to reduce delay for multi-layerwireless sensor networks, sensors, 2018, 18, pages:1-28. doi:10.3390/s18041216.(sci索引,if: 2.677, esi高被引论文,唯一通信作者)
tian wang, jiyuan zhou, minzhe huang, md zakirul alam bhuiyan, anfeng liu, wenzheng xu, mande xie,fog-based storage technology to fight with cyber threat,future generation computer systems, : 208-218 (2018), 2018.6, (sci,if:3.997,二区期刊, esi高被引论文,唯一通信作者)
tian wang, jiandian zeng, md zakirul alam bhuiyan, yonghong chen, yiqiao cai, hui tian, mande xie, energy-efficient relay tracking with multiple mobile camera sensors, computer networks,2018.3,133 (2018) 130–140. (sci,if:2.522, ccf b类,唯一通信作者)
yunguo guan, jun shao, guiyi wei, mande xie. data security and privacy in fog computing. ieee network, 32(5) ,pp: 106-111, 2018.10(sci索引,if: 7.197, 一区期刊,唯一通信作者)
mande xie, urmila bhanja, junshao, guoping zhang, guiyi wei, ldscd: a loss and dos resistant secure code dissemination algorithm supporting multiple authorized tenants, information sciences, volume 420, december 2017, pages 37-48. (sci索引,if: 4.832, top期刊,ccf b类)
mande xie, urmila bhanja, guoping zhang, guiyi wei, yun ling, social role-based secure large data objects dissemination in mobile sensing environment, computer communications 65 (2015) 27–34, 2015.7 (sci索引,if: 3.338, ccf c类)
mande xie, urmila bhanja, guiyi wei, yun ling, mohammad mehedi hassan and atif alamri, secnrcc: a loss-tolerant secure network reprogramming with confidentiality consideration for wireless sensor networks, concurrency and computation: practice and experience,2015(27), 2668–2680, 2015.7. (sci索引,if: 1.133, ccf c类)
谢满德,张国萍. xseluge:一个基于网络编码的安全在线代码分发算法[j], 电信科学,第28卷第11期,11, pp:74-80.(一级期刊)
cong zuo, jun shao, guiyi wei, mande xie, min ji, cca-secure abe with outsourced decryption for fog computing, future generation computer systems,1, 78 (2018) 730–738.(sci,if:3.997,二区期刊)
cong zuo, jun shao, guiyi wei, mande xie, and min ji, chosen ciphertext secure attribute-based encryption with outsourced decryption, springer international publishing switzerland 2016: acisp 2016, part i, lncs 9722, pp. 495–508, 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40253-6 30.(ei检索)
yong deng, guiyiwei, mande xie, and jun shao, cooperation dynamics on mobile crowd networks of device-to-device communications, mobile information systems,volume 2016, pp:1-10. .(sci检索, if: 0.849)
齐小刚, 王慧芳, 郑耿忠, 谢满德*, 段莉. 关于无线传感网络演化模型抗毁性分析[j],软件学报,25(suppl.(1)), 2014.10, pp :131−138.(一级期刊,ei检索)
齐小刚, 魏鹏, 陆赞赞,谢满德*, 胡明明. 基于目标检测能量有效的边界节点选择算法[j],仪器仪表学报,34(12),12,pp:2749-2756. (一级期刊