
chengyou wang was born in shandong province, china, in 1979. he received the b.e. degree in electronic information science and technology from yantai university, china, in 2004, and the m.e. and ph.d. degrees in signal and information processing from tianjin university, china, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. he is currently an associate professor and a supervisor of master’s students with shandong university, weihai, china. his current research interests include intelligent information processing, digital image/video processing and analysis (transform coding, digital watermarking, forgery detection, etc.), computer vision, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and wireless communication technology. as the project leader, he presided over the national natural science foundation of china; the shandong provincial natural science foundation; the research award fund for outstanding young and middle-aged scientists of shandong province; and the science and technology development plan project of weihai municipality. as the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 100 journal papers, which have been indexed by sci/ei, and has obtained five china invention patents.

intelligent information processing; digital image/video processing and analysis (transform coding, digital watermarking, forgery detection, etc.); computer vision; deep learning; artificial intelligence; and wireless communication technology.

[1] sept. 2000 - jul. 2004: yantai university, china, undergraduate, b.e. degree in electronic information science and technology, supervisor: prof.
[2] sept. 2004 - feb. 2007: tianjin university, china, postgraduate, m.e. degree in signal and information processing, supervisor: prof.
[3] mar. 2007 - mar. 2010: tianjin university, china, postgraduate, ph.d. degree in signal and information processing, supervisor: prof.

chengyou wang, ph.d., associate professor, postgraduate supervisor
affiliation: shandong university, weihai, china
e-mail: wangchengyou#sdu.edu.cn ( #→@ )
scopus author id: 16551361300, researcherid: p-4504-2016
teamweb: https://www.scholat.com/team/image
scholatweb: https://www.scholat.com/wangchengyou
postal address: school of mechanical, electrical and information engineering, shandong university, no. 180, wenhuaxi road, weihai 264209, p. r. china

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