1. 头颅ct扫描,自动优化传递函数增强骨骼结构的可见度。
a novel approach that optimizes transfer functions with a heuristic search algorithm in order to obtain better visibility of important features (the skull in the images) in volume visualization.
shengzhou luo and john dingliana, "information-guided transfer function refinement", eurographics (short papers), strasbourg, france, 2014, pp. 61-64.
2. 2003年大西洋飓风isabel的模拟数据,通过hsb颜色模型中的不同颜色通道表现飓风移动过程中的湿度、降雨量等多变量信息变化,增强显示湿度波动强烈的区域。
shengzhou luo and john dingliana, "selective saturation and brightness for visualizing time-varying volume data", eurovis 2015, cagliari, italy, poster presentation.
3. 超新星数据,显示超新星演化过程。
4. 时变湍流数据,根据每一帧中的材质分布,分别静态与动态地优化调节三种材质(以颜色区分)的不透明度,以生成易于观察的可视化结果。
turbulent vortex
statically optmize opacity
dynamically optimize opacity
shengzhou luo and john dingliana, “transfer function optimization based on a combined model of visibility and saliency”, spring conference on computer graphics (sccg), mikulov, czech republic, 2017.