朱佳博士, 浙江师范大学杰出教授,博导(教育技术学,计算机), 浙江省智能教育技术与应用重点实验室教育视频处理与产品创新研究中心主任,“浙江师范大学—海康威视智能教育联合实验室”技术负责人,原华南师范大学计算机学院大数据应用研究中心主要负责人和人工智能专业负责人,原华南师范大学计算机学院学术委员会委员,香港中文大学高可信软件技术重点实验室荣誉研究员,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程研究生,acm/ieee/ccf高级会员,中国教育技术协会人工智能专委会常务理事,中国人工智能学会青年工作组专委会理事,中国通信学会云计算与大数据专委会专委,中国计算机学会区块链专委会专委,澳大利亚区块链协会会员,广东省计算机学会数据库分会理事,广东省计算机学会大数据专委副秘书长,广东省计算机学会人工智能专委会委员,广东省电子学会区块链专委会专委,广州市区块链产业协会专家,2015 澳中杰出青年校友finalists,澳中校友会青年导师等。主要从事计算教育学、 机器学习与大数据应用、区块链 ai方面的研究,于 2004年和 2005 年在澳大利亚邦德大学分别获得信息技术专业学士和硕士学位。2006 年 11 月开始在澳大利亚昆士兰大学攻读计算机科学专业博士学位,师从国家特聘专家周晓方教授, 并于 2013 年 2 月顺利毕业。攻读博士学位期间,同时在澳大利亚五大银行之一的 suncorp-metway 从事金融系统项目开发和管理的工作。2012 年底提交博士论文后,前往联合国大学国际软件技术研究所跟随国际知名智能导学系统(intelligent tutoring systems)专家peter haddawy教授从事博士后的工作,主要研究大学研究质量分析模型和联合国大学信息系统的开发。之后于2014年被华南师范大学计算机学院聘为副教授,2017年晋升为正高级研究员后转聘为教授。现已在相关领域诸如 dmkd, information sciences, neural networks, scientometrics, see, kbs, neurips, aaai, ijcai, sigir, icde, iccv, www, dasfaa, cikm, icassp, ijcnlp, sdm等知名国际期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文100余 篇,近三年google scholar引用次数超过1000次,累积影响因子超过100,负责出版编辑英文著作100余本。已主持参与多项国家及省级科研项目和行业项目,涉及经费逾3000万。曾入选澳中杰出青年校友及国家海外优秀青年研究学者finalists。朱佳博士目前是中国人工智能学会会刊 caai transactions on intelligence technology 和 ieee transactions on computational social systems副主编(associate editor), 自然(nature)旗下期刊scientific reports的editorial board member, , 担任多个知名国际期刊和会议的联合主席,程序委员会委员和审稿人,国家自然科学基金评委,ccf犀牛鸟中学生计划课程专家,广东省公安厅大数据项目评审专家,多家知名企业的技术顾问等。
*数据智能实验室主要研究方向为自然语言处理,视觉分析,教育大数据,区块链等,已发表相关领域知名期刊会议论文超过100篇,主持参与项目经费超过2000万。现诚聘博士后,待遇从优(25万年薪起 科研启动 住房补贴 绩效), 欢迎感兴趣的博士站内私信咨询。
**欢迎对计算教育学,区块链,人工智能等感兴趣,有志于科研,学习刻苦,对新事物永远抱有好奇心,对生活充满热忱,乐观开朗,拥有正确的三观,具备团队精神,痴迷美食,热爱篮球, 认为依靠技术可以改变这个世界, 认可“不要让时代的悲哀,成为你的悲哀”理念的同学, 报考我的研究生。
phd from university of queensland, computer science, australia, 2012
master of information technology (hons) from bond university, australia, 2006
bachelor of information technology from bond university, australia, 2004
distinguished professor, school of education, zhejiang normal university, 2021-now
professor, school of computer science, south china normal university, 2017-2021
associate professor, school of computer science, south china normal university, 2014-2016
project manager/postdoctoral fellow, united nations university, 2012-2013
system analyst, suncorp metway, 2007-2012
development consultant, intec-billing, 2006-2007
system engineer, unisys, china 2000-2002
* 入选2023 首届科技期刊高质量发展大会100篇精品论文
* 2019/2020年广东省计算机学会优秀学术论文奖
* ccscw 2018 best paper award
* 2017年apmcm大学生数学建模比赛特等奖优秀指导老师
* 广东省外国专家局认定高层次人才
* international young scientists award, nsfc, 2017
* kdd cup 2017 top 5﹪ award
* 华南师范大学2016年优秀先进个人
* apweb 2016 best paper award
* 2016年ccf-腾讯犀牛鸟基金获得者
* 广州市人才绿卡获得者
* 入选广东省高等学校“千百十人才培养工程”人才培养计划
* 2015 澳中杰出青年校友finalists
* kdd cup 2013 top 25﹪ award
caai transactions on intelligence technology 副主编
ieee transactions on computational social systems 副主编
acl 2023 track committee
reviewer of transactions on knowledge and data engineering(sci, top)
reviewer of british journal of educational technology(ssci, top journal in educational technology)
reviewer of ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems(sci, top)
reviewer of information fusion (sci, top)
neurips 2021 pc
acl/ijcnlp 2021 pc
中国人工智能学会会刊 caai transactions on intelligence technology 青委会编委
narrative understanding workshop, acl 2020 program committee
acl 2020 information retrieval and text mining track committee
session chair of apweb-waim(2019)
reviewer of information sciences (sci)
program committee member in aaai 2019/2020
reviewer of ieee access (sci)
icdm 2018 program committee members
demo program committee member in apweb-waim 2018
organizers of ijcnlp 2017 workshop shared task
editorial board member of scientific reports (sci, 自然旗下期刊)
reviewer of neural processing letters (sci)
reviewer of cluster computing (sci)
dasfaa 2017 track chair
reviewer of iete journal of research (sci)
reviewer of data & knowledge engineering (sci)
reviewer of artificial intelligence review(sci)
program committee in dms 2017
program committee in dkmp 2017
reviewer of multimedia tools and applications(sci)
session chair of apweb 2016
ijcai 2016 presenter
reviewer of neurocomputing(sci)
reviewer of fsdm 2016
soca 2016/2017 track chair/pc member
sdma 2016 co-chair
reviewer of see(sci)
reviewer of scientometrics (sci)
program committee in apweb 2015
participant in kdd cup 2013
guest lecturer in cuhk (mar 2012)
editor of journal “computational intelligence for financial engineers” (issn: 2219-5181)
participant,reviewer and presenter in wise 2011
participant in ieee icdm contest 2011
participant and presenter in sbs model road show 2011
reviewer in ksii transactions on internet and information systems
reviewer of the journal of world wide web(sci)
计算教育学 , 自然语言处理,复杂疾病分析 , 图结构挖掘, 区块链技术
dr. jia zhu, distinguished professor of zhejiang normal university, doctoral supervisor (educational technology, computer), director of educational video processing and product innovation research center of zhejiang key laboratory of intelligent education technology and application, "zhejiang normal university - hikvision intelligent education the technical director of "joint laboratory", the former principal of the big data application research center of the school of computer science of south china normal university and the leader of artificial intelligence, the former member of the academic committee of the school of computer science of south china normal university.
he mainly engaged in research on computing pedagogy, machine learning and big data applications, blockchain ai, in 2004 and 2005 he obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in information technology from bond university, australia. in november 2006, he began to study for a doctorate in computer science at the university of queensland, australia, under the supervision of professor zhou xiaofang, a distinguished national expert, and graduated in february 2013. during his ph.d. study, he was engaged in developing and managing financial system projects at suncorp-metway, one of australia's five largest banks. after submitting the doctoral dissertation at the end of 2012, he went to the international institute of software technology of the united nations university to work as a postdoctoral fellow with professor peter haddawy, an internationally renowned expert in intelligent tutoring systems. . later, he was hired as an associate professor by the school of computer science of south china normal university in 2014, and was promoted to a senior researcher in 2017 and then transferred to a professor. now in related fields such as dmkd, information sciences, neural networks, scientometrics, see, kbs, neurips, aaai, ijcai, sigir, icde, iccv, www, dasfaa, cikm, icassp, ijcnlp, sdm and other well-known international journals he has published more than 100 papers at the conference and has been cited more than 1,000 times by google scholar in the past three years, with a cumulative impact factor of more than 100. he has presided over and participated in a number of national and provincial scientific research projects and industrial projects, involving more than 30 million funds. dr. jia zhu is currently an editorial board member of scientific reports, a journal of nature, an editorial board member of the youth committee of caai transactions on intelligence technology, a journal of the chinese society for artificial intelligence, and a co-chairman of several well-known international journals and conferences, and a member of the program committee, and reviewers, judges of the national natural science foundation of china, course experts of ccf rhino-bird middle school students program, evaluation experts of big data projects of guangdong provincial public security department, technical consultants of many well-known enterprises, etc.

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