我的研究围绕信息物理系统(cps, cyber-physical systems)的性能分析与设计优化展开,主要包括以下两个方向:
2012年6月~2019年5月 理海大学 (lehigh university) 博士(计算机工程)
2009年8月~2011年12月 伊利诺理工大学 (illinois institute of technology) 硕士(电子工程)
2004年9月~2008年6月 北京邮电大学 学士(通信工程)
with the rapid advancements of information technology, conventional control systems are evolving into cyber-physical systems. as the number and types of applications supported by such systems continue to grow, their functionality now goes beyond automation and control, while interactions among their components mature into a new level of sophistication and their environments become increasingly diverse and dynamic. to ensure that future cyber-physical systems are able to satisfy requirements and performance needs of miscellaneous domain-specific applications, both formal theories for the design and performance analysis of cyber-physical systems as well as the implementation methodologies for application-specific performance optimizations must be examined:
(1)formal theories and models for performance analyses of cyber-physical systems: by studying formal theories and models for performance analyses of cyber-physical systems, we aim to find out how to design cyber-physical systems under specific/given performance constraints and application requirements as well as how to verify that an existing system does provision adequate performance guarantees. currently, network calculus and its application to delay performance analysis are of primary interest.
(2)performance optimizations for domain-specific/application-specific systems and their implementations: guided by formal theories and models for performance analyses, we aim to not only identify performance optimization mechanisms and strategies for particular applications/systems but examine their realization in assorted scenarios and configurations.
in addition, i am also interested in applying machine learning to applications such as the recognition and intelligent processing of professional/specialized documents, as well as cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems.
1. 计算机科学技术导论(introduction to computer science)
课程编码:20h20541 开课时间:2019年秋季学期, 2020年秋季学期
2. 计算机体系结构(computer architecture)
课程编码:20h22165 开课时间:2020年春季学期
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