hua xiao, female, received the phd degree from city university of hong kong. from the year of 2011, dr. xiao studied on the manufacturing of semiconductor lighting devices, modulation characteristics of nanomaterial based visible light communication, designing of lighting devices, efficiency improvement, and failure analysis of optic-electrical devices. received the funding from city university of hong kong, dr. xiao collaborate with quantum-dot material synthesis and device manufacturing, wireless communication lab, and micro-led lab in south university of science and technology, and studied on the modulation properties of quantum dots, manufacturing of electroluminescent and photoluminescent devices. up to now, dr. xiao has published 10 sci journal papers on led illumination. among them, 5 journal papers on led lighting sources have been published on journals such as《optics letters》、《ieee electron device letters》, 5 journal papers on led lighting design, micro surface modeling has been published on journals such as《ieee transactions onelectron devices》、《ieee photonics journal》. additionally, dr. xiao has published 2 conference papers and 2 chinese journal papers, which included in ie.
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