wireless and sensor networks contain a large number of self-organizing communication devices. each device has wireless communication capability and a certain level of intelligence for signal processing. some devices can sense and actuate the environments. wireless cellular, ad hoc and sensor networks have been used in many application domains such as personal communication, military surveillance, habitat monitoring and scientific exploration, participatory sensing and crowdsensing, and cyber physical systems. the hype indicates that wireless and sensor networks will dominate every aspect of our lives in the near future. the overall impact is touted as the next internet that interconnects every objects within the planet! this class presents the fundamentals regarding the hardware and software of wireless cellular, wlan, mannet and sensor networks. it synthesizes materials from many research papers, presenting principles, commonalities and open research issues. also importantly, students will obtain hand-on experience on programming tiny communication devices to sense and communicate in this course.
the introduction of wireless and sensor networks research.
cellular,wlan, ad hoc & sensor network applications
programming the wireless sensor nodes: tinyos, nesc and tossim
wireless and sensor networking protocols
wireless and sensor media access control
middleware: time synchronization, localization, power management.
programming models, languages and debugging.
security and privacy in wireless and sensor networks
《 无线传感器网络》教学大纲
课程名称: 无线传感器网络
英文名称: wireless sensor networks
课程类别: 专业选修课 课程编号:
开课学院: 计算机学院 开课学期: 1
学分: 3 总学时: 51
课程简介:无线传感器网络是当前国内外备受关注的、由多学科高度交叉的新兴前沿研究热点领域。 传感器网络综合了传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、现代网络及无线通信技术、分布式信息处理技术等,能够通过各类集成化的微型传感器协作地实时监测、感知和采集各种环境或监测对象的信息,通过嵌入式系统对信息进行处理,并通过随机自组织无线通信网络以多跳中继方式将所感知信息传送到用户终端。从而真正实现“无处不在的计算”理念,因此传感器网络被认为是将对二十一世纪产生巨大影响力的技术之一。
教学方式:课堂教学 论文研讨 课程project
教材:无线传感器网络 作者: 孙利民、李建中、陈渝、朱红松 出版社: 清华大学出版社 2005
参考书目:无线传感器网络协议与体系结构 作者:(德) (德) 译者: 电子工业出版社 2007
序号 | 授 课 内 容 | 学时 | 作业和实验 | 备 注 |
1 | 无线传感器网络概述 1、无线传感器网络的概念和应用 | 6 | 文献阅读 | |
2 | 媒体接入控制(mac) | 9 | 邻居发现协议实验 | |
3 | 路由策略 | 9 | 简单多跳协议实验 | |
4 | 网络部署和管理 | 9 | 论文研讨 | |
5 | 数据分发与汇聚 | 9 | 论文研讨 | |
6 | 服务质量qos | 9 | 课程project |
《 wireless sensor networks 》teaching brief
name of course:
type:□ master’s degree course □ common course □specialized course
□ non-master’s degree course □ required course √specialized elective course
□common elective course
college: computer college
credits: 3 total class hours: 51
specialty: computer science and technology, software engineering, computer architecture, computer application technology
course brief:(包括课程内容,教学方式,预修课程、教材等)
course content:
this course will cover the basic concept and main techniques in wireless sensor networks.
1.basic concept and node technology for sensor networks.
2.medium access control for sensor networks
3.routing protocols for sensor networks
4.network deployment and management.
5.data dissemination and aggregation.
6.quality of service.
teaching style: class teaching paper discussing course project
pre-course: computer networks
books: wireless sensor networks, limin sun, tsinghua univ. press, 2005
writer:xingfa shen