高级数据库技术(advanced database technology)-k8凯发旗舰
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题目: making sense of spatial trajectories
报告人:xiaofang zhou(周晓方)
professor of the university of queensland, australia
时间: 2015年9月18日上午10:30
地点: 东阶梯教室
演讲内容:spatial trajectory data is widely available today. over a sustained period of time, trajectory data has been collected from numerous gps devices, smartphones, sensors and social media applications. how do we manage them? what values can a business derive from them, and how? due to their very large volumes, the nature of streaming itself, highly variable levels of data quality, as well as many possible links with other types of data, making sense of spatial trajectory data is one of the crucial areas for big data analytics. in this talk, we will introduce this increasingly important research area in the context of new applications, new problems and new opportunities. we will discuss recent advances in trajectory data management and trajectory mining, from their foundations to high performance processing with modern computing infrastructures.
报告人简介: professor xiaofang zhou is a professor of computer science at the university of queensland, australia, leading the data and knowledge engineering (dke) group at uq. he is also a specially appointed chinese state “qianren" professor in soochow university. his research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing very large amount of complex data for business, scientific and personal applications. he has been working in the area of spatial and multimedia databases, data quality, high performance database systems and data mining, published over 250 research papers. he is a program committee chair for ieee icde 2013 and acm cikm 2016, and a general chair of acm multimedia 2015. he has been an associate editor of the vldb journal, ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, ieee transactions on cloud computing, world wide web journal, distributed and parallel databases, and ieee data engineering bulletin. he is the current chair of ieee technical committee on data engineering (tcde).